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British Values

The DfE states that:

"All maintained schools must meet the requirements set out in section 78 of the Education Act 2002 and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of their pupils. Through ensuring pupils' SMSC development, schools can also demonstrate they are actively promoting fundamental British values".

At Combe Pafford School we actively promote British Values. We recognise the diversity within our society; we celebrate it, learn from it and add these positive experiences to our wider understanding of being British. We ensure that British Values are embedded in our curriculum and across all our processes and experiences.

personal and social development topics
academic topics
work related learning

Throughout our phases, we aim to ensure that our pupils:

  • Explore beliefs, experiences and faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about ourselves, others and the surrounding world.
  • Recognise right and wrong, respect the law and understand the consequences.
  • Appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain's parliamentary system; participate in cultural opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
  • Be part of a system where everyone plays an equal part.
  • Learn that we are all accountable for our actions and behaviour
  • Be free to express views or ideas
  • To respect and tolerate the opinions or behaviour of others

We promote and reinforce the Five British Values of Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs in the following ways:


  • Pupil voice plays a big part of life at Combe Pafford School and is encouraged throughout all lessons.
  • All pupils are given the chance to be a School Council representative in the Lower, Middle and Upper School or a Student Voice representative in the Sixth Form. This provides experience of how the electoral system works and promotes the democratic process.
  • The outcomes of School Council meetings are shared with staff and pupils.
  • Pupil conferencing is regular to establish their ideas and viewpoints, including choosing library books and helping to design our reward system.
  • Our personal development curriculum is established throughout the school and informs both individual and phase targets.
  • Parent surveys are conducted regularly for their ideas and viewpoints.

The Rule of Law

  • We have high expectations of pupil conduct and this is reflected in our school environment and behaviour policy.
  • Where pupils need additional support, we create Individual Behaviour Plans to help them succeed.
  • We involve our pupils in the creation of classroom rules.
  • Good behaviour and consistent demonstration of our values are rewarded and celebrated through Pafford Points, certificates and reward trips.
  • Laws are studied within lessons, including PSHE, Lifeskills, Humanities and English.
  • Throughout the year we welcome visits from members of the wider community. We believe that clear explanations and real-life stories emphasise the importance of the Rule of Law for our pupils.
  • Our Pastoral Support Team works closely with parents to maintain outstanding attendance and punctuality.
  • Our school promotes and supports pupils to learn to regulate their own behaviour and make appropriate choices for the well-being of themselves and others.

Individual Liberty

  • Pupil aspirations are recognised and guide aspects of our curriculum.
  • Our curriculum enables us to educate pupils on their rights and personal freedoms as well as support them in recognising how to exercise these freedoms safely.
  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms with guidance given via assemblies, E-Safety, and through implicit and explicit teaching.
  • Pupils know who to talk to if they are worried or concerned about themselves or others.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of different extracurricular activities, including lunchtime clubs, which pupils have the freedom to choose from, based on their interests.
  • Through the use of outcomes identified within EHCP/Annual reviews, pupil voice is obtained through the 'All about me' and skills audit.

Mutual Respect

  • We have high expectations of pupil behaviour and this is reflected in our culture and supportive environment.
  • Through our curriculum, pupils are taught to respect each other, to be cooperative and collaborative, to be supportive and to be understanding of differences.
  • Through our whole school fundraising events, we help others and raise awareness.
  • All staff members treat each other with respect and model tolerance and respect in their behaviour towards colleagues, parents, visitors and pupils.
  • We promote a wider understanding of the beliefs of others through our RE and PSHE curriculum.

Tolerance of those of Different Faith and Beliefs

  • Our school acknowledges that tolerance is achieved through pupils' knowledge and understanding of their place in a culturally-diverse society and the opportunity for pupils to experience such diversity.
  • We offer a culturally rich and diverse curriculum in which all major religions are studied and respected.
  • Our R.E. and PSHE curriculum provides broad and balanced learning about the main world religions and reinforces messages of tolerance and respect for others. Pupils visit local places of worship.
  • Members of different faiths and religions of our community are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance and extend learning opportunities.
  • Pupils learn about the contributions to society that people from different ethnic groups have made.
  • We offer a range of residential trips to different places, so our pupils can experience and celebrate diversity.

Last updated: 13th March 2024