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Reaching for the Stars: Our Pupils' Science Week Adventure

Science week 2024 kicked off with pupils immersing themselves into the VR world by exploring the Solar system from the cold spaces of Neptune to the canyons of Mars and ending up in the hot flares of the sun!

We then had many budding and enthusiastic scientists dissect Owl pellets to find out what they had been eating. Finding skulls, ribs and collar bones, pupils were able to identify the species of rodent. Luke Stevens and Miss Dunne found that one owl had eaten 3 whole rodents!

Mr Stevens delivered a marvellous magic science show, taking care of sick eggs to the point of explosion and using centrifugal force to spin a cup of water without spilling. Pupils loved Mr Stevens’s presentation skills, he should definitely be a children’s entertainer.

Nerf gun science club was enjoyed by all who took part. We are hoping to make this a future feature of physics investigations. Pupils discussed the ideas of springs, energy transfer and forces before deciding on the correct trajectory to shoot at targets.

On the final day, pupils were treated to a ‘reaction time’ circus. Feeling the elastic pull of the bungee run, using unbalanced forces to knock each other down on the gladiator podium and working out how the didi cars worked without putting a foot on the ground. This was probably the favourite of most pupils and adults.

In class, pupils were able to explore past, present and future through the context of movies and complete collaborative science activities. Building solar robots, growing plants, making amber slime, exploring dinosaurs, making rockets, building robot hands to dive into the dystopian STEM challenges.

Pupils' behaviour and engagement was excellent throughout the week. I can’t wait to start planning Science Week 2025!