Are you a Carer or a Young Carer?
Does someone rely on your care?
If you or your child care for a family member with a disability, health or age-related condition, mental health, or drug/alcohol issue then you’re a Carer or Young Carer and there is support for you.
You could get:
- support with caring
- breaks from caring
- activities
- emergency back-up
- finance/benefits advice
- discounts like free hospital parking or IT support
- or just someone to talk to!
You need to look after your own health too, and if you catch flu or COVID-19, there’s a risk you could pass this on to the person you look after. The risk is higher during winter, so it’s best to make sure you’re up-to-date with your vaccinations.
You can book your jabs online. If you need someone to stay with the person you care for while you’re getting your vaccinations, help is available from Torbay Carers, who can also offer other support.
COVID-19 and flu jabs as well as blood pressure checks are also available at the family-friendly Carers’ Celebration at Paignton Library on Saturday 19 November.
There will be advice and information about support for carers (including cost-of-living advice), the launch of the Young Carers Under 25 Strategy and Action Plan and a Christmas market.
For information about vaccination support for carers, contact Teresa on 07786856139.
For anything else, contact Signposts for Carers: 01803 666620 and find them on Facebook: Torbay Carers.