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Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicle Intent

The curriculum intention:

At Combe Pafford School, we have a broad Motor Vehicle offer that is designed to be progressive from KS4 to Sixth form.  The Motor Vehicle curriculum intends to prepare pupils for employment or further study; raising pupil expectations of their own ability in a range of specific motor vehicle skills, developing their good motor vehicle practice as well as developing essential transferable skills.  We offer a program of study that supports pupil progression from Level 1 to an opportunity at Level 2 including Electric Vehicles and Hybrid vehicles.

Our curriculum delivery:

All Motor Vehicle courses are delivered within our purpose built Motor Vehicle facility and are accredited through industry recognised awarding bodies.  All qualifications are taught by tutors who have worked as professionals within the industry.  Alongside the requirements for each qualification we intend to teach a range of additional skills such welding and bench fitting exercises, all designed to support wider knowledge of the industry. 

We ensure that all qualifications offered are flexible in their approach in order to take into account individual pupil needs. We ensure that a range of assessment techniques are employed to allow each pupil the best possible chance of success. Where possible, suitable trips to industry events or garages are arranged to support pupil knowledge and enthusiasm.


Benefits to pupils (Impact):

Pupils who access the motor vehicle curriculum gain a range of skills that can be employed either recreationally or professionally. They are also able to learn work ready skills in addition to the requirements of the qualifications such as customer care, welding, motor skills development and problem-solving. 

Pupils will gain a Level 1 in Motor Vehicle Studies with the opportunity to progress to Level 2.