Pastoral Support Team
The Pastoral Support Team work in partnership with teachers, Learning Support Assistants and parents/carers to provide additional support to all children whose learning can be affected by their emotional, social or behavioural difficulties.
The staff are committed to the welfare of all pupils who receive a very high level of pastoral care. They are encouraged to manage their own behaviour and to take responsibility for their own social skills to help prepare them for leaving school.
We have a great deal of experience within the team supporting individual pupils with a varying degree of moderate learning difficulties, physical, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and ASC. We also manage intimate care or personal hygiene due to medical needs, at all times adhering to our intimate care policy.
Our aim is to establish and maintain a relationship with our pupils to ensure that they know there is an adult they can approach if they are worried or in difficulty. We would like to ensure that our pupils feel safe and secure and that there are adults within school who they can talk to and who will listen to them.
The Pastoral Team undertakes ongoing relevant training to ensure that they are able to develop productive and supportive relationships with parents to support the needs of pupils and their families.
We also liaise with outside agencies and are able to offer advice or to refer or signpost parents to additional support within the community.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Pastoral Support Team.
CAMHs (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
Torbay Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service has been commissioned to provide a new school based Primary Mental Health Work team which will be working in partnership with schools to promote the welfare, emotional and mental health and wellbeing for children and young people. As part of our work we will receive information from school staff and partner agencies, such as the police and social care. If it is considered in the interest of the child or young person, this information will be shared with the school.
If information is shared, this will be in accordance with the key principles of the Data Protection Act and be on a need to know basis, and will only occur to help schools protect and promote the welfare of your child. When there is any sharing of information, schools should discuss this with you to enable a partnership approach to meeting the needs of your child.
If you have any questions about the service please contact your child’s school.
Message from the School Nurses NHS: Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust Health Visiting & School Nursing Service has updated its web pages so all information that was previously distributed using traditional paper based formats can now be viewed online. This enables families and young people to be able to access up to date, timely information at their convenience.